Welcome to the concert of Teosto Award-winning composer Mikko Sarvanne at Luonnos on Tuesday, April 23rd, from 6 pm to 7 pm; entry is free! Note that the original date (17.4.) was postponed due to a cold. Sarvanne’s music explores how percussive sounds containing hits and noise unfold into harmonic spaces and then condense again into visceral techno. In the performance held at the Outotrofia exhibition at Luonnos, Sarvanne specifically focuses on plastic sounds. The rustling of plastic can sound as soothing as rain or the rustle of leaves on the forest floor. How does the bodily reaction caused by sound meet the reality where microplastics fill every nook, both on our planet and within our bodies? Come and enjoy a musical immersion while exploring Oona Raadelma and Aliisa Perinkangas’s ’Queertroph—Fluidly Letters’ exhibition where asemic text works constructed from bioplastic invite reimagining relationships between organisms and materials without hierarchies. Mikko Sarvanne 23.4. 6-7 PMGrafia Creative Space LuonnosUudenmaankatu 13, Helsinki–Free Entry– Mikko Sarvanne – Soundcloudmikkosarvanne.com @luonnostila