Grafia's mentorship program


Get to know Grafia’s mentors and apply to be a mentee! The application period is open October 7–27, 2024.

Janne Hänninen (FI / EN)

CEO, Creative

Branding│Presentation Skills│Copywriting

I am a graphic designer by trade. During my career I've worked both as an illustrator, as well as a graphic designer at an advertising agency. I am one of the founders of Agency Leroy and currently work as a CEO and creative director in my own firm. My job is help companies succeed through design. My job description includes everything from design to implementation and from writing to drawing. In addition to this, I've also taught courses at i.e. Aalto University.

Pietari Kaakkomäki (FI)


Visuaalinen identiteetti│Palvelumuotoilu visuaalisen identiteetin työkaluna│Iso kuva ja strateginen ajattelu

Olen graafisen suunnittelun ja brändäyksen asiantuntija, Studio Kaakkomäen perustaja. Työskentelen erityisesti PK-yritysten ja startupien kanssa, auttaen heitä vahvistamaan kilpailukykyään graafisen suunnittelun ja strategisen brändäyksen avulla. Yli 10 vuoden kokemukseni sisältää projektit pelialalta, luovilta toimistoilta ja eri alojen yrittäjien kanssa. Työni perustuu jatkuvaan oppimiseen, visuaaliseen tarinankerrontaan sekä esteettisten ja toiminnallisten ratkaisujen yhdistämiseen asiakkaiden tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi.

David Kaye (EN)

Creative Director, Graphic/Brand Designer

Brand/Graphic Identity Design│Design Empathy│Visual Storytelling

Originally from London, UK, I have been working creatively in Finland since 2002. I have experience in B2B/B2C and B2E(inside-out) employer brand design and marketing, holistic concept creation and multichannel solutions. I have hands-on working experience in branding/creative/design/marketing and advertising agencies, working on many of the world’s most loved brands; on a creative, conceptual and executive level. My passion lies in creating strong brand identities and visually engaging storytelling through to planning and executing multi-sensory brand experiences.

József Gergely Kiss (EN)

Designer, Art Director

Brand Identity Design│Package Design│Brand Strategy

I'm an experienced brand designer and art director with a demonstrated around 10 year work history in the design industry. I used to work in a few design agencies and established my own design company with some friends both based in Helsinki and Budapest.

Jutta Kivilompolo (FI / EN)

Illustrator, Visual Designer

Illustration│Graphic Design│UI

I am a freelance illustrator and visual designer. I graduated from Lahti's Institute of Design and Fine Arts graphic design course in 2010. In addition, I've completed studies in the field of illustration at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam from 2017-2018. As an illustrator, I've worked extensively with book illustration, magazine illustrations, and with products geared for children. Furthermore, I make branding and marketing materials, as well do UI design for various startups.

Eesu Lehtola (FI / EN)

Creative Designer

Graphic Design│Animation│Illustration

I'm a versatile creative designer who has worked in both culture and advertising for the past 20 years. I worked in marketing at an advertising firm for about seven years before starting my own firm. I enjoy projects that allow me to work with a wide range of skills like graphic design, illustration, animation, as well as films. My skate- and streetwear brand Fire1984 ( represents this best. In addition, I've also directed two short films, from which the latest (Bright White Light) has received significant international success.

Jukka Nissinen (FI / EN)

Entrepreneur, Graphic Designer

Graphic Design│Illustration│Photography

For the past 40 years, I've worked diversely in the fields of graphic design, photography, videography, illustration, and with customer magazines from start to finish. At the beginning of the 1990s, I was invited to lecture on the topic of computer-assisted graphic design, back when only those who were self-taught computer users were the only ones skilled enough to use them and teach others about their use.

Lorenzo Servi (EN)


Book Publishing│Visual Arts│AI

I have a background in architecture, photography, and visual arts, and have recently shifted my focus to art book publishing. I founded LUMART, a studio specializing in architectural visualization, and now work with Other Editions, where I experiment with the book format as a communicative medium.

Niina Silvasti (FI)

Graafinen suunnittelija

Logo- ja brändiviestintä│Kuvittaminen│Yrittäjyys

Olen Lapin yliopistosta valmistunut taiteen maisteri (TaM, 2020) ja kerryttänyt kokemusta brändi- ja yritysviestinnästä. Työelämä on ollut paras kasvattaja ja oppia on tarttunut visuaalisen viestinnän suunnittelusta, palvelumuotoilusta, verkkokaupasta ja yrittäjyydestä. Yritykseni Visual Monkey® on perustettu apinan vuonna 2017 ja se on keskittynyt luovaan suunnitteluun. Kuvittamiseen, ilmeiden suunnitteluun. Yrittäjyyden takana on 20 vuoden kokemus visuaalisissa työtehtävissä.

Jenni Viitanen (FI)

Lead visual communications specialist, Art director

Saavutettavat ilmeet│Luovat konseptit│Tiedon visualisointi

Hei, työskentelen kestävään kehitykseen erikoistuneessa viestintä/konsulttitoimisto Kaskasissa 7. vuotta mm. tiedon visualisoinnin, saavutettavien ilmetöiden ja luovien konseptien parissa. Työni liittyvät usein monimutkaisen tiedon yleistajuistamiseen sekä kestävän kehityksen teemoihin. Työskentelin aiemmin 4 vuotta palvelumuotoilutoimistossa sekä freelance-graafikkona. Tällä hetkellä opiskelen työn ohessa digitaalisen käyttökokemuksen muotoilua (UX/UI).